The Ideas Powered for business website strategic project brings together two main partners, whose role is to help EU SMEs achieve their business goals by protecting their intellectual property (IP) assets.
The granting of property rights for your innovations is the mandate of the Austrian Patent Office, the central authority for industrial property protection in Austria.

The Belgian Intellectual Property Office (IPObel) is part of the Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy (FPS Economy) and more specifically the Directorate-General for Economic Regulation. It handles all questions on intellectual property in Belgium.

BOIP is the official body in the three Benelux countries for the registration of trademarks and designs and the record of ideas.

The Danish Patent and Trademark Office works to support innovation, strengthen corporate competitiveness and fight counterfeiting and piracy.

The Intellectual Property Section promotes the protection and exploitation of intellectual property rights. It constitutes the competent authority of the Republic of Cyprus for maintaining a reliable register for all intellectual property rights.

The Estonian Patent Office is a government agency that operates in the area of government of the Ministry of Justice and implements national economic policy in the field of legal protection of intellectual property. The Office provides legal protection to patents, trade marks, utility models, industrial designs, geographical indications and integrated circuits.

We work for the benefit of companies and organizations. We register companies, associations, foundations and other organizations and corporations, as well as enterprise mortgages and LEI codes.

In addition to registration of patents, trademarks, and industrial designs, INPI, the French Patent and Trademark Office, actively contributes to economic development through its IP awareness-raising activities and innovation support programmes.

The German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) is the competence centre for industrial property protection in Germany. Our legal mandate is the protection of Intellectual Property. Almost 2 800 employees work at our offices in Munich, Jena and Berlin. We check inventions, grant patents, register trade marks, utility models and designs, manage property rights and inform the public about them.

The Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (OBI) is the only legally qualified institution for the protection of inventions, industrial designs and trade marks. It also provides technological information from worldwide patent databases.

The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office is the central government office responsible for the protection of intellectual property, which was established in 1896 by virtue of Section 23 of Act XXXVII of 1895 on Patents for Inventions.

The Industrial Property Office (IPO CZ) is one of the central bodies of state administration of the Czech Republic and primarily acts as a patent and trademark office.

The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic is a central state administration body in the field of industrial property protection, i.e. patents, utility models, designs, topographies of semiconductor products, trade marks and designations of origin /geographical indications.

The Intellectual Property Office of Ireland is the official Irish government body responsible for intellectual property (IP) rights including patents, designs, trade marks and copyright.

The Directorate General for the Protection of Industrial Property - Italian Patent and Trademark Office is the national authority in charge of defining IPR promotion and protection policies, granting Italian patents and registering Italian trademarks and designs.

In Luxembourg, all areas of intellectual property are dealt with by a single national administration, i.e. the Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry of Economy.

The mission of the office is to assist business and facilitate trade whilst providing the necessary infrastructure to encourage the securing, utilisation and respect of intellectual property rights.

The Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria is a national state body for legal protection of industrial property based in Sofia, second level spending unit at the Ministry of Economy.

It is the central authority in the field of industrial property protection in Latvia. Within the framework of the competence specified in the regulatory enactments, the Patent Office shall implement the State policy in the field of industrial property by ensuring registration of the industrial property rights and publicising the information of the registers in an Official Gazette in electronic form, as well as by promoting comprehension regarding the necessity of the protection of these rights in the State.

The Polish Patent Office is the central body of the government administration, whose main task is to grant exclusive rights to objects of protection of industrial property.

INPI’s mission is to ensure the protection of Industrial Property (IP), securing an adequate, effective and reliable granting, maintenance and extinction of rights. Furthermore, it aims to promote innovation, development and economic growth in the Country, ensuring the necessary steps to fight counterfeiting and unfair competition.

OSIM carries out its activity as a specialized government body having sole authority over the territory of Romania in ensuring the protection of industrial property.

The Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) is an autonomous body within the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. It is responsible for the field of industrial property and copyright.

The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO / OEPM) promotes the innovation, economic development and progress of society by granting Industrial Property titles and disseminating Technological Information, in a professional, efficient and reliable manner.

The Office carries out procedures for granting industrial property rights (patents, trad emarks, industrial designs, geographical indications and designations of origin, topographies of semiconductor products) and performs the accompanying professional and legislative activity.

The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania (SPB) is an institution of the executive power of the Republic of Lithuania, a state budget institution that performs state legal protection of industrial property objects (inventions, designs, trademarks and semiconductor topographies) in Lithuania and the functions of the central industrial property office in EUIPO and EPO.

The Swedish Intellectual Property Office works to ensure that new ideas at the forefront of technology and development strengthen Sweden's growth, innovation capacity and competitiveness. The Office cooperates with intellectual property authorities in Europe and elsewhere.

Our IPFB Network exclusively targets our partners and those who provide support and services to SMEs.