The connection between EUTM and .eu domain name

13 December, 2021
Benefits of IP
The EUIPO and EURid, the .eu domain registry, have been investigating the relationship between European Union Trade Mark (EUTM) and .eu domain name registrations

A sample of 5 000 EUTMs were taken and checked against .eu domain name registrations in particular, to see which were registered first and if the owners could be matched.

From the sample of EUTMs, 56% has a corresponding .eu do main name registered. Notably, in 77% of cases the .eu domain name was registered before the EUTM. 23% of cases saw the EUTM registered ahead of the .eu domain name.

When it comes to comparing ownership, asserting correlations can be a difficult task as in many cases the information does not match exactly. This does not necessarily mean that the ETUM and .eu do not belong to the same entity, rather that they may have used different contact information during the application process. In the analysis carried out, the data of the EUTM owner fully matched the data .eu domain name holder in 28% of cases.