
More than one day
Target group
Advanced SMEs
Fund Structuring
Business growth, progress or success concept
Business growth
This event is organised by Invest Europe.

Invest Europe's Fund Structuring course aims to help private equity and venture capital professionals choose the right structure for their fund.

The following aspects, among others, will be covered:

  • Key objectives in structuring a private fund: how to go about delivering a structure that is tax neutral, flexible, and well understood by the market.
  • Impact of new tax requirements: recent changes affecting carried interest schemes as well as the impact on funds of changes targeting perceived tax avoidance.
  • Market trends: early bird and other fee discounts, so-called 'deal-by-deal' funds, no-fault LP rights, internalisation of operations and fee/expense disclosures.
  • Fundraising steps: teasers, PPMs, AIFMD disclosures, side letters (including 'most favoured nations' clauses) and closing process.