
Grow your business by increasing your knowledge. Here you can find information on the most relevant courses from trusted sources under the available filters. Browse through a wide range of country-specific and global training to cover your development needs in the areas of: finance and funding, protecting your idea, business/trade support and legal regulatory support.

Electronic services platform of the Polish Patent Office
Protecting your ideas

Non-disclosure agreement: a business tool

The fact sheet aims to clarify when and why to use Non-disclosure Agreements (NDAs), as well as the ...
20 min.
Average: 2.2 (5 votes)
Intellectual Property diagnostics service
Protecting your ideas

Intellectual property as a business tool: a guide for the textile and clothing industry

A guide for the textile and clothing industry.
184 pages
Average: 3.9 (9 votes)
Funding and Investment

Five reasons to invest in an IP-ready SME business

The EUIPO and the European Business Angels Network (EBAN) discuss the importance of taking IP into a...
1 hour
Average: 3.9 (9 votes)
EU - webinar: IP and artificial intelligence
Protecting your ideas

Trade marks and other rights in the Artificial Intelligence sector

In-depth videos as part of the 'European Union Trade Marks and Designs' project , a joint collabora...
12 min.
Average: 4.3 (9 votes)
Protecting your ideas

Let them know you exist! Domain names and trade marks as business builders

Domain names and trade marks as business strategy tools.
55 min.
Average: 4.5 (8 votes)