The Italian Patent and Trade mark Office (UIBM) released its 2021 annual report, which takes stock of the wide range of the Office activities on a series of fields and presents ambitious goals for the coming period. The report covers the following categories: protection, regulation and promotion of industrial property (patents, trade marks, designs), fight against counterfeiting and digitalisation and streamlining (databases).
The report also showcases the National Recovery and Resilience Plan #NextGenerationItalia, approved by the European Commission, which includes the “Reform of the Industrial Property”, and allocates an extraordinary funding of €30 million for the implementation of certain measures. These actions consist of 1. improving the protection system; 2. encouraging the use of industrial property rights (IPR), especially by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); 3. facilitating access to patents and their knowledge; 4. ensuring a more rigorous enforcement; 5. strengthening Italy’s role at the international level.
Read the full report.