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Trade marks and designs in Italy
Target group
This online event is organised by Innexta, sponsored by the Bergamo Chamber of Commerce and the Bergamo Development Agency. The webinar aims to illustrate how the licensing of a trade mark or design constitutes one of the main channels for the econom...
Benefits of IP
Technology Transfer
Target group
Advanced SMEs
This EU webinar is offered by the European IP Helpdesk.
Benefits of IP
Close up Bare Hand of a Man Covering Small Flowers at the Garden with Sunlight Between Fingers
Target group
Advanced SMEs
The 2022 edition of the Italian Day is co-organised by the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM), the EUIPO, Innexta and the Bolzano Chamber of Commerce. Its aim is to foster mutual listening between the public administration and those who turn ...
Benefits of IP
Business Name Day in Finland
Target group
Advanced SMEs
This event is organised by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) and the Finnish Transport and Communication Agency (Traficom).
Benefits of IP